Monday, April 1, 2013

April Come She Will

After learning about Bailey's illness and prognosis, I hoped but had no expectation that she would be alive to see March. Her vets did not think it at all likely that she would make it to April, and I dared not  dream that. But I did hold on to one hope--a hope about which I wrote a few weeks ago:
I still hope that the next time I return to the dog beach on TR Island she will be racing ahead of me. I hope that the next time I look over the Potomac from there I will see her swimming toward Georgetown before turning back to the island. But, this week she was clearly incapable of the walking required to get to the beach.
This April 1st Bailey made all of the vets and me her fools--a role I was ecstatic to take on.

The river was very choppy and the tide so high as to completely cover the beach.  Bailey wisely stayed nearby, chewing on sticks and swimming close to shore.

No, Bailey did not do much racing ahead of me, and she did not swim half-way to Georgetown.  In truth, she was able to swim for only a short time, getting back to the car was difficult, and I fear that the exertion may have taken days off of her life. But, it was all worth it--more than worth it. Today Bailey greeted the month that she was never supposed to see by returning to her favorite place and, for a few moments, experiencing pure joy. I do not have the words to fully express my gratitude for this final last wish--a feeling that I am certain will last much, much longer than a few moments. Today, Bailey was as happy as any dog, or any person, could possibly be.

Good girl, Bailey. Well done, Bailey. 

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